1. Battle
2. The Lantern
3. Tabla Toy
4. Rabat
5. Slow
6. Derivation
7. Trinkit
8. Break Me
9. Nau-Ashta
10. Intertwine
11. Relic
12. Discovered
Welcome to the middle-east, where new is old, and the old becomes new. Much like an ancient middle-eastern city, technology is fused with old world customs, and in this case, music. Heavy use of the Sitar and bass to create a moody and beautiful soundscape. My recommended track is
The Lantern, as it showcases perfectly what this album is about, fusing soft drumming, bongos, electronic rythms, and harp to create a beautiful track. Danger in the skies, fires blooming around every corner, truly you feel lost in parts of the world you have never seen. This album is a market lit by fire in the dark night, as smoke billows towards the expansive sky. Worth listening to in every regard.
Download - RapidsharePurchaseLabels: Down-Tempo, Electroacoustic, Middle-Eastern, Roots Music
posted by hresvelgr
01. Working Together
02. Slow Down
03. Theme From In-Between
04. Unrequited Love
05. Map of the World
06. Modalisa
07. Apology
08. Let's Ride
09. C Major
10. Singing Something
11. BONUS TRACK: Fortunately, Unfortunately
12. BONUS TRACK: Slow Down (Remix featuring Teki Latex)
13. BONUS TRACK: Home Movies
v0 (I believe)
DownloadPurchaseGonzales himself is a weird musician, but he makes some very nice calming jazzy music. His music (Well in this album) is mostly him playing the piano with a simple drum beat keeping the rhythm, which I believe he does to. And not to forget, he has a pretty good voice as well, which tends to fit the music very well.
This is a great album, somewhat jazzy, some what loungey, with some very nice piano work. It is something of a 70's sounding album I guess you can say. I am mainly uploading this since I am just listening to this and really enjoying it. So give it a listen.
Labels: electronic, electropop, Funk, jazz, lounge, solo piano
posted by P!

01) Biggest Cock in Christendom
02) Taking Robe Off
03) The Germans Call it a Swimming Head
04) The Side of the Road
05) Mr. and Mrs. Gingerbread Hawaii
06) Toilet Door Tits
07) Preventions Arise
08) Küss mich, meine Liebe
v2 (VBR)
DownloadPurchaseAnother Shit and Shine release here, since I really liked Cherry (thanks Alice!), so I thought I should post this. I can't say much else, other than get it if you liked Cherry, since it is more awesomeness from Shit And Shine. This is really good noise rock, get it if you are a fan of the band, or the genre.
Labels: experimental, noise, noise rock, Psychedelic, stoner noise, stoner rock
posted by P!

[There are 98 tracks on this album.
Click here to view the track list.]
DOWNLOADPURCHASEComprised of 98 tracks The Parker Tapes is built from thousands upon thousands of samples, sound bites and music clips that have been hacked, slashed, looped and rearranged to skew meaning and entice parody. Entertained by this exercise or not, you can't help but marvel at the execution. The amount of work that has gone in to harvesting the raw material for this record is breathtaking and as a result there is little that escapes Cassette Boy's cut and paste satire.
Labels: electronic, experimental, glitch-hop, mashup
posted by Alice
01. Creepy Ballerina
02. Am I a Nice Guy
03. Honestly Don't
04. Danielle
05. Charm and Counter Charm
06. If You Knew Susie
07. Flower Petal Sword
08. Prize Winning
09. Charlade
10. Cigarette Sequence
11. Cherry
12. Shockwave
13. High Brooms
14. The Rabbit Song
DOWNLOADPURCHASEShit and Shine have been assaulting audiences with their unique take on barely controlled, forcefully percussive, and endlessly repetitive stoner-skronk for the better part of a few years, they’re far from a known entity even in their home country of England. With a lineup that often balloons to encompass as many as five drummers/percussionists at any one time, the records they’ve unloaded on the public thus far betray not only a constantly fluctuating lineup, but also the different approaches to brute force hostility a variable membership like theirs necessarily entails.
Labels: doom, drone, noise, sludge, stoner
posted by Alice

01. Silver
02. Star
03. Wolves
04. Dead Eyes
DOWNLOADPURCHASEoh god, this is awesome. Silver is one of my favorites shoegaze songs ever. it starts so powerful yet calm, and then the vocal begin, making everything more pleasant and mellow. like some random last.fm said: "how can a song be so heavy and light at the same time?" exactly my thoughts. oh and yeah, the rest of the ep is pretty great too.
Labels: drone, experimental, post-metal, shoegaze
posted by pirs
01. Infancy of Millions Pt.I
02. Asymbol
03. Chaired
04. Infancy of Millions Pt.II
05. Sentido Roto
06. Na Lata
07. Oceaned
v2 (vbr)
DownloadPurchaseXBXRX are a punk rock band, but not your typical run of the mill "the government sucks" punk band, they tend to play noise influenced punk.
This album though, is pure improvised music. It is very strange, and because of that, and the types of instruments used reminds me of an early Residents album at times. It goes into many stages from very ambient like rhythms with strange percussion, to a more noise sound with loud and chaotic drumming. It pretty much goes everywhere since it is all pretty much improv.
Labels: Avant-garde, electronic, experimental, noise punk
posted by P!

1. The Lonely Death Of Space Avenger
2. Soft Houses
3. Beyond The Door
4. Riverside
5. Bury Me
6. Faint Goat
7. King Of The Thieves
8. Go To Sleep
9. Soon When I’m Gone
10. Underground
11. Whip Poor Will
12. Photographs
13. Transmissions
They come from Birmingham, Alabama. I have no idea where the music comes from. 13 ghosts' premiere album blew me away. The music is mature and hearfelt, with touches of Pink Floyd and Western movies, combined with an
edge of some sort. It's powerful, uplifting, and heartbreaking all at once. If you've ever drove into the sunset, leaving your cares behind, and want that feeling again, this album has it in plenty.
Beyond The Door in particular is a track that shouldn't be missed.
Download - RapidsharePurchaseLabels: acoustic, indie, Psychedelic
posted by hresvelgr

1. II B.S.
2. I X Love
3. Celia
4. Mood Indigo
5. Better Get Hit In Yo' Soul
6. Theme for Lester Young
7. Hora Decubitus
8. Freedom
Saying anything about this album is pretty much beating a dead horse. (Great band by the way) The composure and skill demonstrated in the music progresses beyond the normal range of most artists, making this truly a work of mastery displayed by Charles Mingus. The album is also referred to as
Five Mingus.
Download - RapidsharePurchaseLabels: jazz
posted by hresvelgr

1. Glass
2. 1859
3. Next 5 km
This is another one of the bands where I am not quite sure how I found it. If nothing else you should download this to listen to Glass, which is an incredible track in itself. If you wish to acquire the album from their website, it is free from there as well.
Download - MediafireDownload - Direct From ArtistLabels: instrumental, Post-Rock
posted by hresvelgr

01. Universal Consciousness
02. Battle at Armageddon
03. Oh Allah
04. Hare Krishna
05. Sita Ram
06. The Ankh of Amen-Ra
DOWNLOADPURCHASEHer previous album,
Journey In Satchidananda, was recorded when Alice Coltrane was basking in the "Universal Love or God in action" via Swami Satchidananda in anticipation of her upcoming journey to India, and
Universal Consciousness was what she recorded when she returned. While
Journey is an excellent album, you can still feel it held down by the bluesy heaviness of Earth. I can't begin to imagine what kinds of spiritual revelations she encountered with the Swami in India, but the dramatic blossoming found in
Universal Consciousness gives us a peek. It's a decadent sound illustration of stepping though a prophetic looking glass, and shows us what Alice found there (couldn't resist). At its deepest foundation the album is still based on modal blues, but something's been unlocked - it's freer and more avant-garde, while also more meditative and hallucinogenic. Shrill but gorgeous swooping string arrangements weave into ringing harp, bitter tones of electric organ, playful drums and bass, and transcendental drones. It's like thousands of years of Hindu mythology descending upon a soulful American jazz den lined with melting velvet walls of rich, fatty colors. It's not often that you're tempted to use words like "glissandi", "crescendo", "staccato" and "raga" to describe a jazz album, but there you go. Sit in rapt awe - you don't have to believe a word of the liner notes, just believe devoutly in Alice's creative vision.
Labels: avant, jazz, reggae
posted by Alice

1. Intro
2. The Wind
3. The Trees
4. The Shadows Of The Past
5. Outro
This album embodies everything I enjoy about doom metal, slow weaving tracks that give a sense of being somewhat
beyond yourself. When I listen to this, I feel as though I am lying in a massive forest, the sky is grey and rain falls, crashing into the ground. The Morningside simply comes through in being able to give
feeling to their music, something many bands struggle to do.
The songs reach huge lengths, the word Epic comes to mind when thinking of their length. Truly one of the better albums that I've listened to.
Download - RapidsharePurchase (Under BadMoodMan Music)
Labels: Atmospheric, Doom Metal
posted by hresvelgr
01. Lust
02. 18 Inch Ruler
03. Coming out of the Woodwork
04. Incomplete
05. My Sister Sam
06. Gameshow
07. Blue Hawaii
08. 99 Degrees
09. Mr.Smooth Guy
10. Bixville"
11. Bright City Lights
12. Tension (Live)
13. Kung Fu Fighting (Live)
14. Incomplete (Live)
15. My Sister Sam (Live)
16. Don't Mess With The Little Guy (Live)
DownloadSuburban Rhythm are a very jazzy/funky rock outfit. They play a very random group of songs on this album, from very funky songs like "18 Inch Ruler" to a somewhat Frank Sinatra esque song "Big City Lights" to random, yet catchy songs like "Blue Hawaii".
It is a very odd album, very energetic, with some very nice bass lines, and good vocals, it may be a hit or miss for some, but I really enjoy it. It may also be good to note, it is hard to find this album in stores, or even new copies of it, because of that, I can't provide a good "where to buy link".
Labels: Funk, jazz, Punk, rock
posted by P!

01. Histrionix
02. Wall's End
03. Soft Sugar
04. Ninety Parallels Ago
05. Ceofficient Ascender
06. Satin Vengeance
07. The Impious One
DOWNLOADPURCHASEThe seven songs here are a strong, smart combination of pummelling riffage and carefully-planned changes, something like a Ruins' 45 played at 33 – or a more complex updating of Godflesh. There's a surprising amount of variety, given that it can be tricky to individualize tracks when they're instrumental and this heavy; it's nearly all deep, aggressive rock churn, dominated by smashing drums, ultra-low grinding bass and guitar that shoots off shards of distortion in all directions. The ingredients don't vary much, it's the mixture of them that maintains interest. And, wisely, Noxagt display an awareness of the listener's attention span, keeping the album at an easily-digestible 38 minutes.
Labels: drone, noise, progressive
posted by Alice

01 Sisters! Brothers! Small Boats of Fire Are Falling From the Sky!
02 This Gentle Hearts Like Shot Bird's Fallen
03 Built Then Burnt (Hurrah! Hurrah!)
04 Take These Hands and Throw Them in the River
05 Could've Moved Mountains...
06 Tho You Are Gone I Still Often Walk With You
07 C'mon Come On (Loose an Endless Longing)
08 The Triumph of Our Tired Eyes
DOWNLOADPURCHASEif you're into post-rock and don't like these guys, you're a strange person. A Silver Mt. Zion makes absolutely beautiful music, and even though this is not my favorite album by 'em, it's still a must have cd. the monologue from built then burnt (hurrah! hurrah!)... probably one of the most wonderful post-rock songs I've ever heard. honestly? this is hope in form of music. knowing there are people in the world making this kind of music, and knowing there are others fans like me, who thinks this is exceptional, gives me hope on mankind. and I mean it.
Labels: experimental, Post-Rock
posted by pirs

1. Sweet Adeline
2. Tomorrow Tomorrow
3. Waltz #2 (XO)
4. Baby Britain
5. Pitseleh
6. Independence Day
7. Bled White
8. Waltz #1
9. Amity
10. Oh Well, OK
11. Bottle Up And Explode!
12. A Question Mark
13. Everybody Cares, Everybody Understands
14. I Didn’t Understand
DOWNLOADPURCHASEelliott smith was one of those sad boys with guitars. his music is beautiful, depressive, simple. most of 'em are vocals & acoustic guitar only. suffering from depression and alcoholism, he killed himself at home, 5 years ago. but his voice will remain forever, on the records, the vinyls, the mp3s... this is my favourite album by him, although every cd has its masterpieces. I'll probably post either/or and the self-titled some other time. there's an Elliott Smith memorial at LA, outside Solutions Audio, you can check it out
here or
here. pretty moving stuff. his lyrics are fantastic too, make sure to listen closely.
edit: there's a song missing, on the link I posted. you get it
Labels: acoustic, folk, indie, singer-songwriter
posted by pirs
1. Telescopium
2. Canes Venatici
3. Archernar
4. Gienah Cygni
5. Vega
6. AlyaI'm sure I will forget how I found this in the coming months, but I am quite glad I did. The winding of the music throughout is beautiful, the composition is sublime. I must admit, it is hard to describe apart from this: The album is like sitting inside of a cool and dark cave, smooth rock lining the walls, as you stare out into the Aurora Borealis admidst trees as tall as they are ancient. That's how it feels to listen to this album.
Download - MediafireLabels: ambient, experimental, Post-Rock
posted by hresvelgr

1. Polarized
2. Here and Now
3. Fire
4. Winter Stars
5. Organism
6. The Hitman Tommy Stearns
7. It's Digestible
8. Where Do You Hide?
9. Bacteria
10. You Are Everywhere
11. Mr. Benson and The Meson Ray
Sometimes, music doesn't have to be serious. And with The Ernies, the time is always right to not be serious. A saxophone can be heard blaring through most of the tracks, including my favorite,
It's Digestable. Pick this album up if you like Ska or Punk, a great find that is also very rare.
Download - RapidsharePurchaseLabels: Funk, jazz, Punk, Ska
posted by hresvelgr

01. The Son of Man
02. The Pharisee
03. The Harlot
04. The Bride
05. The Adulterer
06. The Ruler
07. The Soldier
08. The Believer
DOWNLOADPURCHASE"Musically it is a hybrid of acoustic songwriting and electronic music making, employing layers of guitar and analog synthesizers over electronic beats and textures. The songs have defined verses and choruses, but take time to examine timbres and sonic combinations not often found in the pop world." it's one of those indie + eletronic bands, they do actually a pretty good sound. male & female vocals.
Labels: eletronic rock, experimental, indie
posted by pirs

1. No.1
2. No.2
3. No.3
4. No.4
5. No.5
6. No.6
7. No.7
8. No.8
The Bird Ensemble hails from Nashville, Tennessee, U.S. And don't worry, the track listing is not a mistake, but rather just as eclectic as the band itself. Slowly does the tempo build from the first track, rising like the sun, from visceral darkness into the sky, transitioning from ambient to more of a post-rock vibe, and twisting perfectly from track to track. It flows into piano, accompanied by the soft strumming of a guitar.
No.6 is an especially wonderful track, combining a multiple of elements to express in it's ways. If you like beautiful post-rock, you will like this.
Download - RapidsharePurchaseLabels: ambient, instrumental, Post-Rock
posted by hresvelgr

01. midnight black earth
02. crimson ways
03. maximum black
04. vigilante crusade
05. destroying angels
06. grave wisdom
07. constant fear
08. skeletal remains
09. the art of coffins
DOWNLOADPURCHASEtheir best. great stuff. latest album
Labels: ambient, dark ambient, jazz
posted by pirs

1. "Jumping Frenchmen of Maine"
2. "I Like Van Halen Because My Sister Says They Are Cool"
3. "Fat Gym Riot"
4. "Adam and Nathan Totally Kick Ass"
5. "K10"
6. "Paranoid Android"
7. "Chino"
8. "Numb Tooth"
DOWNLOADPURCHASEok, so this band is pretty interesting. I've heard some say they're like "kraftwerk in the sky" or "justice meets tortoise". of course it's not as good as it seems, but this album is actually pretty fun. it's so dancy! definitely worth it if you're into electro and guitars with nice distortions.
oh and yeah, there's a radiohead cover, which is pretty cool actually.
Labels: electro, eletronic rock, experimental, instrumental
posted by pirs

01. Staub
02. Karin
03. Schwarze Biene (Black Maja)
04. Unkerich
05. Still am Tresen
06. Welk
07. Von Schnabeln
08. Orgelblut
09. Fault
10. Welten
DOWNLOADPURCHASEyeah, test post became the first post. well, what's to say about this band? it's pretty fucking great. dark, slow, quiet jazz. latest album, not their best. I'll post the others later. ah, opening track is a killer.
Labels: ambient, dark ambient, jazz
posted by pirs