01. The Nothing Changes
02. Pears for Swine
03. Adaptation of the Koto Song
04. Lobby
05. Parallel Corners
06. Rivers of Congo
07. Solomon's Curse
08. Amygdhala
09. Guernican Perspectives
10. Vegas
11. March of The Swine
DOWNLOADPURCHASERequested. Funny, I was sure I had their Mutations EP posted, but apparently blogger deleted it. Anyway, here's TKDE debut.
Ah, make sure the tags says Darkjazz and not Dark Jazz. Last.fm is a bitch.
Labels: ambient, electronic, experimental, jazz
posted by pirs

1. Lead Squid
2. Caravan!
3. Embers
4. Sirocco
5. Mists Of Krakatoa
6. Sharbat Gula
7. Samhain Labs
8. Seneca
9. The MacGuffin
DOWNLOADPURCHASERemind me again why wasn't this already posted.
Turn that
shit up and just
chill. All songs streamable at last.fm.
Labels: ambient, electronic, experimental, jazz
posted by pirs

1. Long Before Us
2. Every Morning
3. The Corner Room
4. She Was Here
5. On The Morrow
6. My Dear Companion
7. Far Light
8. Mossgrove
9. Bloodroot
10.At The Pond
12.The Side View
13.Every Morning, Birds
14.A Bed of Moss
I've uploaded this a few weeks ago, dunno what took me so long to post it.
Not much to say about this, just get it if you like
piano. That's all there is to it.
My favorite is Bloodroot. When the song gets slower, it's just so beautiful. The chords brings you down. Love it.
Labels: ambient, classical, solo piano
posted by pirs
01. New Terrain
02. Introducing Palace Players
03. Beach
04. Repeater Beater
05. Intermezzo 1
06. Silas the Magic Car
07. Cartoons and Macreme Wounds
08. A Dream
09. Hawaii
10. Vaccine
11. Tricks
12. Intermezzo
13. Sometimes Life Isn't Easy
14. Reprise DOWNLOAD (new link)
PURCHASEHoly shit, I had no idea the new album was that good. I'm not even posting a link of mine, that's how much I want you to listen to this.
A few weeks ago, at #/music/@irc.rizon.net I asked a few /mu/tants for recommendations. I said I wanted something beautiful, pure and heart-warming. They suggested a few albums but I was already familiar with them, or something like that. I actually got
one nice recommendation, but I suppose it wasn't
that good, since I can't even remember the name of the band right now. Anyway, I left empty-handed.
Today I found out
this was the album I looking for. It is truly amazing.
One of my faves, btw.
PS.: I hate tagging this as
indie rock, when I feel it's much more than that. Anyway, lol @ labels.
PS 2: I also know the name of the album is 9001 times bigger. TL;DR.
Labels: alternative, indie, indie rock
posted by pirs

1. "Mirrors" - 3:38
2. "Obfuscation" – 9:15
3. "Disease, Injury, Madness" - 11:03
4. "Fossil Genera – A Feed from Cloud Mountain" - 12:11
5. "Desert of Song" - 5:33
6. "Swim to the Moon" - 17:54
Labels: experimental, metal, progressive metal
posted by P!

SITEDOWNLOADI never find good albums like this, so when I do, I like to share them. Very mind bending rhythmic noise, it's a bit harsh and kinda dark, sort of haunting yet it is a very interesting blend of music which really creates a really amazing album.
Labels: ambient, experimental, industrial, noise, power electronics, rhythmic noise
posted by P!

The first single off the former Strokes singer's upcoming solo album. It's awesome.
The trailer for the lead Stroke's solo debut Phrazes For The Young was soundtracked with widescreen, cinematic synth pop, his first on-camera interview in years boasted quotes about harnessing "the power and seriousness of classical music" while "captur(ing) the catchiness of modern music," and with last night's BBC debut of lead single "11th Dimension," we get to hear how all those phrazes shake out. Casablancas performed this at his Tokyo show last month, it's the one with the "Rebel Rebel"-moved-to-keyboard chord progression, the electronic beats, the instantly memorable chorus. Criss-crossing countermelodies creep into each section, the bridge flips from goofy staccato keys to chunky gated guitars, the vocals are mixed crisply and down the middle. Think of it as a bizzaro Strokes song where each element is arranged for an electronic pop band, flush with ideas without losing its forward thrust. Maybe you could say the countermelody movement is a little classical, but whatever the phraze, "11th Dimension" is classically catchy. -Stereogum
Phrazes For The Young is out 10/19 in the UK, and 10/20 in the US.
posted by JelloPudding

1 Mainframe (1040 STE)
2 Currents (220V Offshore)
3 Hydro Electric (H2O/VAC)
4 Information Technology (One and a Half Degree Channel)
5 Isodensity (Tidal Waves)
6 Machine Code (Divehi Rajje)
7 Warm Rays (Longshore Drift)
PURCHASEDOWNLOADAmazing ambient/glitch album by Phonem. It's a very beautiful and peaceful glitcy album which you can really get lost in. Every song really is very well done and very laid back filled with glitcy beats backed by a very peaceful ambiance which you really do start to admire. Overall amazing album for any fans for Autechre and what not.

AHHHH 300th POST!!!!
Labels: ambient, chill, Downtempo, glitch, idm
posted by P!

01 One Touch
02 Museum
03 SH-101
04 Rhythm Of Vision
05 Unix
06 Ride
07 Station Rider E
08 Self-Powered
09 Sleep Cycle
10 Rhythm Of Vision
11.Minimal Nation Bonus Mix
PURCHASEDOWNLOADFirst off, this is a 2 disc album, the second disc is a mix, so I for some reason have it tagged as track 11, idk why it's 30 min long so I think it's the whole second disc. I don't have an m3u or cue for it either so yay!
Second, this albums is a fucking classic originally released in 1994 which is a fine example of amazing minimal techno straight from Detroit. It's a fantastic album I think many ignore today due to the lack of knowledge of it (at least around these parts) but what ever, download, listen, buy, enjoy etc etc.
Labels: detroit techno, minimal techno
posted by P!

Similar to my last post, this is a little-known EP from what was arguably Radiohead's creative peak. It even takes the same format as The Good Life, with the title track, a few great B-sides that rival the best tracks on The Bends, and an acoustic version of Creep at the end(which was probably put there sarcastically, since My Iron Lung was written about the band feeling like an underappreciated one-hit wonder with "Creep").
- "My Iron Lung" – 4:36
- "The Trickster" – 4:40
- "Lewis (Mistreated)" – 3:19
- "Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong" – 4:40
- "Permanent Daylight" – 2:48
- "Lozenge of Love" – 2:16
- "You Never Wash Up After Yourself" – 1:44
- "Creep" (Acoustic) – 4:19
posted by JelloPudding

1. Roads
2. A.D.
3. Satellites
4. The Atlas Tree
5. Ebusus
6. Cantadora
7. Plus 30 Minus 2
8. Fishbone Clouds
By request. This album is really good too, but in a different sort of way. This album from SonVer takes their old concepts, and improves and revitalizes them, while still managing to sound mysteriously intriguing and mystifying. Some of the best music I've heard.
Download - Mediafire [v0]PurchaseLabels: post fucking awesome
posted by hresvelgr

A little-known EP/single from when Weezer didn't suck shit. There are two studio-recorded tracks from Songs From the Black Hole(the scrapped 'rock opera' from 1995) on here, Waiting on You and I Just Threw Out the Love of My Dreams, both of which rival any track on Pinkerton. Along with that, it's got The Good Life's album version and acoustic live versions of the title track and Pink Triangle. After you download Raditude, which comes out this month, try to forget that it was horrible by listening to this.
posted by JelloPudding

01. 2/3 Consensus on the Un-Finite Possibilities
02. Owls
03. Those with Guns
04. Why Can't We Be In Jamaica?
05. Racing Towards the Hard Kernel
06. Eastside Uptight
07. Dancing With the Stars
08. Total Nightmare in a Deep Dive
09. Making the Most of the Apocalypse
10. Map's Tattered Edges
PURCHASEDOWNLOADNew Ahleuchatistas album I managed to snag off of a certain site, hope all you enjoy! And remember kids, buying albums/supporting artists gets you mad indie cred!
Labels: Avant-garde, instrumental, math rock, noise rock
posted by P!

1. Anonima
2. Last Thursday
3. Big Wheel
4. Transparent Arms
5. Until The Stones Melt
6. Khat Show Host
7. Viaje
8. Procession
9. The Bell Tower
Following on from their self released EP earlier this year, Sonver return with their first full length album. Lending heavily on the material from the original EP, these tracks are sandwiched by some new material which provides an exciting new progression in Sonver's sound. The record still drips with cinematic soundscapes that flow and combine the orchestral with the electronic, including samples and drum beats. But over the longer format there has been more room to experiment with different textures and it is these contrast that come to the fore. Where 'Anonima' is a lush melodic piece that is as warm and comforting as it is disconcerting, 'Last Thursday' crashes onto the scene will all the bowed pomp and splendour of a Bond theme tune. Howling guitar distortion is fed through a multitude of effects and production to lurk as a malevolent under current. There seems to be a fluid theme running through the whole album with the watery sounding guitars of 'Viaje' wobbling through the speakers. This is interrupted by the lo-fi loops of feedback and distortion in 'Procession' which is very much in the experimental mould, ebbing and building over a plucked string mantra with a deftness that the Dr Who sound effects department could only dream of. For all their genre-breaking and cross pollination of sound and vision techniques, Sonver remain immensely listenable. And it is this which is perhaps their greatest accomplishment.
Download - MediafirePurchaseLabels: post fucking awesome
posted by hresvelgr

01. Emanate
02. Heavy With Shadows
03. Treacherous
04. Heartless Enemy
05. Big Needles
06. Sharks That Circle
07. In Jet Streams
08. Laser Eyes
Mastodon and Isis fuck and have a baby. This is that baby, but with the nice addition of some awesome bass grooves. Killer album, and some cool cover art too.
Labels: experimental, metal, sludge
posted by hresvelgr

01. Technicolor
02. Mile After Mile
03. Caterpillar Playground
04. Manatarms
05. Apple's Acre
06. Bright Ideas
07. What Then
08. Winter
09. Lita
10. Orange Cymbals
I saw them live a while ago, and they were fantastic, and really fun to listen to. Sadly, the microphones died in the middle of the performance, cutting it short, the good news is that I got to listen to their fantastic song Lita, which sounds fantastic both live and on the album. The rest of the album is great too, and pretty fun to listen to, if you're into that music thing.
Download - MediafirePurchaseLabels: hipster garbage, indie
posted by hresvelgr

1. Atlas Shrugged
2. Shrug-A-Dub-Dub
Uhh... This is an album by that guy from Deerhunter. He has a fucking weird face. This album is pretty polarizing, you'll either listen to it or you won't... but it has a great title. I'm not sure why I'm uploading this, I figure someone will like it though.
Download - MediafirePurchaseLabels: indie
posted by hresvelgr

01. Losing Streak
02. Opiate Sun
03. Deflated
04. Morning Light
Labels: drone, experimental, post-metal, shoegaze
posted by pirs

01. Ashtray
02. Ants
03. Laundry
04. Situps Pullups
05. Dex
06. Twenty Minutes
07. Screening Phone Calls
08. Mop Head
09. Ltlp
10. Mildew
PURCHASEDOWNLOADI love this album in so many ways, edIT sure knows how to make a good fucking album.
Labels: electronic, glitch-hop, idm
posted by P!

01. Dark Horse
02. Reap What You Sow
03. Axe To Fall
04. Effigy
05. Worms Will Feed
06. Wishing Well
07. Damages
08. Losing Battle
09. Dead Beat
10. Cutter
11. Slave Driver
12. Cruel Bloom
13. Wretched World
DOWNLOADPRE-ORDERHoly shit, this is agressive. ♥
Labels: hardcore, mathcore
posted by pirs

01. Panic Attack!
02. Straight-Jacket Keelhauled
03. Battleship Graveyard
04. A Classic Case Of Transference
05. Single
06. Empty The Clip, The King Has Been Slain, Long Live The Queen!
07. People And Their Lives
08. Dirty Pillow Talk
09. Nobody's Perfect
10. Webs
11. Walk Of Fame
12. Nature vs. Nurture
DOWNLOADPRE-ORDERSometimes I hate procrastinating. This new album is awesome!
Labels: experimental, post-hardcore, progressive rock
posted by pirs

01. Windowlicker
02. ΔMi−1 = −∂Σn=1NDi[n][Σj∈C{i}Fji[n − 1] + Fexti[[n−1]]
03. Nannou
PURCHASEDOWNLOADI think I got this originally from
HFS4k and converted it to v0 but I can't remember, but uhm yeah, did I ever tell you guys that
Windowlicker is the greatest song of all time? No? Well it is...
Labels: brain dance, Downtempo, electronic, glitch, warp
posted by P!