1. Crumbling Mountain Tops
2. Eyes Adjust to Light
3. L-O-V-E
4. Sleepy Inside
5. Did I Ever Tell You I'm in Love With Your Girlfriend
6. Holiday
7. March Was Fair at Best
8. Turn of the Century
9. Heading North
10. A Very Frivolous Distribution of Sundries
11. Faster Than Steam
Showcasing clever lyricism and engaging melodies, Good Morning Beautiful is a sure-fire indie pop winner. Good Morning Beautiful makes resourceful use of the talents of every one of its five singer-songwriters. Truly a collaborative band, each member has co-written and sing on at least one song on the self-produced Good Morning Beautiful. Irving's blending of wildly catchy pop harmonies and a solid rhythm section produce their special brand of pop magic. Even the most jaded and cynical pop scenesters will find themselves moving to the beat of these contagious tunes. Jumping smoothly from the animated L-O-V-E to the curiously affecting Did I Ever Tell You I'm in Love with Your Girlfriend to the melancholic beauty of Holiday, this record has it all. The effortless segue from the upbeat, energetic pop sound of A Very Frivolous Distribution of Sundries to the tenderly graceful Faster than Steam elegantly demonstrates Irving's range and creativity.
v0 mp3 Quality - Ripped with EAC and LAME
Download - MediafirePurchase
posted by hresvelgr
01. Panhandler
02. Sorcery - Billy Cobham, Jarrett, Keith
03. A Funky Thide of Sings
04. Thinking of You - Billy Cobham, Blake, Alex
05. Some Skunk Funk - Billy Cobham, Brecker, Randy
06. Light at the End of the Tunnel
07. A Funky Kind of Thing
08. Moody Modes - Billy Cobham, Leviev, Milcho
PURCHASEDOWNLOADIt's 4am, I'm bored, so here. Don't ask why, I just thought this place needed more Jazz... So instead of spending all your Christmas money on cigarettes, coffee, and porn, keep a little to the side and order more good jazz albums such as this...
Labels: jazz
posted by P!

1. Simple
2. Syn
3. J'aime bien
4. Deux delais et un oscillateur
5. En 3 parties
6. Avec guitare rouge
7. Avec batterie 3
8. Avec batterie 1
9.Avec batterie 2
10. Metaphysical
11. Fin
Simple, clean, and haunting. The sound reminds me somewhat of a sepia-toned movie, dark deeds in a city. Whiskey poured straight, and drunk the same way, quick and painless. People die quick and painless, quick and painful. And then, everything is a dream.
Download - From ArtistLabels: art rock, drone, noise rock, shoegaze
posted by hresvelgr

01 Rytm To Nieśmiertelność I
02 Lament
03 Orszula
04 Żal
05 Powoli
06 Taniec
07 O Ma Żałości!
08 Tren IV
09 Walc
10 Martwa Cisza
11 Rytm To Nieśmiertelność II
DOWNLOAD (new link)
PURCHASEso, I went throught a dark ambient phase a few days ago, and I'll post some excellent stuff I've found out. this album is great. depressing and beautiful. highlight: o ma zalosci!
Labels: dark ambient, depressing, electronic, experimental
posted by pirs

1. Moonlight Sun
2. Light As Daylight
3. Pocket Check
4. Windsurf
5. Cracking the Cube
6. White Soweto
7. Future Warriors
8. Bird of Paradise
9. Big Island, The
10. Crystal Neon
Impressive album that is suited for Winter listening. Listening to this is much like the album title suggests, being on the coastline, the surf blowing in the wind, whipping cold like the winter air.
Download - MegauploadPurchaseLabels: ambient, electronic
posted by hresvelgr
01 I Love the Smell of an Autumn Forest Fire
02 Ronnie Beck, Former Child Star
03 The Coxen Switcheroo
04 Forest Skyline/Lost in It
05 The People From the Sky Said They'd Return.
DOWNLOADOk, I have never enjoyed 5 tracks so much. Really, this is a truly spectacular ep/album from the 3 piece band,
We Followed Tigers. There are no short comings to this, it is simply just amazing down to the last detail. The talent in the band is mind blowing, and they really show it by putting out such a beautiful album. Though I can spend hours praising this and what not, I will spare you the time, so check it out yourself...
Labels: instrumental, math rock, Post-Rock
posted by P!

01 - Station
02 - Reasons To Go
03 - Points Bridge
04 - Devil's Wood
05 - Saved By A Helicopter
06 - A Storm Tore This House
07 - Swimming Pools At Night
08 - Two Halves Of A Line
09 - Ruins
10 - The Whole Town Is Against Us
11 - Look After Yourself
12 - Station Part Two
13 - Travelling Heart
DOWNLOADPURCHASEgreat ambient music. so calming..
Labels: ambient, experimental, Post-Rock
posted by pirs
01. Hula Hoops
02. I've Set Sail
03. Eyeballs
04. Where's Teddy?
05. Same Page
06. Heavy
07. Another Name in a Magazine
08. Oil Change
09. 8 Eyes
10. My Favorite Song
11. I Went In
12. Staring at Payphones
13. No One Ever Leaves
14. Perryville
DOWNLOADPURCHASE Ok, so Dan Potthast is a guy, he used to be in a band, but now he isn't. He was the singer and guitarist for the ska/punk band Mu330, but since the bands departure and hiatus, he now puts out solo records.
This is his first of many, and well, I love it. Simple catchy acoustic songs, sometimes accompanied by other instruments (which I think he plays to). It isn't one of those acoustic albums which strives to be complex and deep, and usually boring. It's more on the light side, and even sometimes funny. Though it is still poetic, peaceful and has very nice lyrics.
PS. I was gonna rip a new v0 copy of this, but my cd drive is borked, so yeah, enjoy this copy, which is 160 CBR. If you want better quality, leave a comment and I will try to rip it.
Labels: Acoustic rock, rock
posted by P!

01. the dam was split but the city was saved
02. the moon shifts the sea the sea shapes the shore the shore shakes the sand the sand sinks the ship
03. fall-triumph
04. into days & nights & years & months
05. if only you knew what the lost soldiers did to me
DOWNLOAD very nice post-rock from 2008. guitars, nice drumming, a little heavy, you know, the usual. what's not to enjoy?
Labels: instrumental, Post-Rock
posted by pirs