Mostly Other People Do the Killing - Slippery Rock! (2012)
Before I get into the album, let me introduce myself really
quick. I’m !!e7ZYZi1k7FE Raskolnikov,
and !0MTMwDpCZo hresvelgr
found me on /mu/ and I’ve been posting on /mu/ for about 2 or 3 years. I’m a
big fan of jazz, post-rock, and lots of /mu/core type of stuff. I’ll post lots
of jazz usually but I could come here with any sort of album.
Don’t be fooled by the album cover-the music sounds nothing
like it. This is probably the best jazz release of 2012, and my personal
favorite. From Hearts Content, the first track, MOPDtK goes into a rock beat
with brilliant saxophone riffs and trumpet falsettos. President Polk is another
standout, where the instruments go into altissimo ranges while the drummer
shifts from style to style. Speaking of the drummer, that’s probably the most
interesting thing about this album. It’s worth it alone to listen to this album
based on the staggering amount of styles the drummer effortlessly moves through,
from funk to jazz to rock. I also feel that this album is a great introduction
into more eclectic jazz as it’s somewhat accessible.
Labels: Avant-garde, jazz
May 18, 2013 at 6:15 PM
Does this look good? Anything I can do better? top
May 19, 2013 at 5:16 AM
Use high res and clean album art, and try not to use as the link for the album. top
May 19, 2013 at 5:50 PM
What's the problem with top
May 19, 2013 at 7:35 PM
Dude it's pretty much a honeypot as far as I'm concerned. #staynoided top
May 20, 2013 at 1:12 AM
OK I'll upload somewhere else from now on. top