DOWNLOADPURCHASELAST.FMSo here's some trip-hopish ambient from a russian girl. Pretty good stuff.
Labels: ambient, electronic
posted by pirs
PURCHASEDOWNLOADSo, yeah, I actually found this at P!'s tumblr (which I guess he doesn't have anymore). Not sure what this is, DnB? IDM? Anyway,
here's my fav, check it out. Pretty awesome electronic music.
Hopefully I'll post some post-rock in a few days.. We'll see.
Labels: drum and bass, electronic, idm
posted by pirs

A Raiden & The Panacea - Connect The Dots
B Raiden & The Panacea - La Shit
C The Panacea - Cryptonomicon
D The Panacea - Word Of Thoth
DOWNLOADThe Panacea owns,
as I have said before but this EP is really just good. The Raiden collabs are really nice too. Really hard hitting, complex, dark tunes
Maybe later I'll post a list of stuff to get or a batch upload because I hate posting short ep's. Not really in a sharing is caring mood but if you guys have any requests or want something leave a comment. I'm just lazy, sorry, heh.
posted by P!